
Neeley Dosdall

Neeley is a 2nd generation homeschooling mother with 3 energetic boys (8, 4, & baby) and 2 little princesses (6 & 2).  With her husband’s consulting job constantly moving their family of 7 back and forth around the globe, she typically finds herself scurrying everyone into airplanes and hotels and trying to help her little ones adapt to new languages, cultures, and friends… all the while living out of that pile of Rubbermaid boxes she really should have unpacked months ago. (oops!!!) Although passionate about nutrition and natural remedies, she still gets tremendous joy out of baking fresh, hot chocolate chip cookies with whatever ingredients she can find in her current locale!

Name: Neeley Dosdall

Age: 34

Occupation: Homeschool Mom

Children:  5– ages 8,6,4,2, 8 months

Family: 3 siblings

Hobbies:   Cooking, Music, Crafts, Essential Oils

Currently Reading: “Bible in One Year” plan on “Holy Bible” app.  Highly recommended!!! You can do it with friends or spouse and see each other’s comments…kind of like Bible-Meets-Facebook!

Favorite Food:  Ice Cream, of course!

Born:  Tennessee

Raised: In the hills of Tennessee with herds of dairy cows until parents sold the moo-ers to become missionaries. Spent teen years all over the American “South” and in Brazil. Married life has meant living in the Midwest, South-West, and even a couple of years in Russia.

Education:  BA Practical Ministry,  FIRE School of Ministry

Pet Peeve: Parenting trends that discourage parents from telling their children, “no.”

“While I believe in encouraging independence and responsibility, and providing a loving, understanding environment for our kids to grow in, I also believe overly permissive parenting robs children of the promise God made to kids who honor and obey their parents:

‘Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”’ Ephesians 6:1-3 NKJV. Because of this promise, I am convinced that lovingly teaching kids obedience is actually one of the most productive things we can do for them.”

Dream:  “To see my children grow into responsible and caring individuals who love Jesus and love people. That might sound silly and basic, but I don’t believe anything could bring me more joy in life than that!”

Current Favorite Quote
:  “Good moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens, and happy kids.”