
Shauna Hanus

I am a Christian, a wife, a mom, and a children’s pastor. My children are teens with only a few years left before college, scary! I have been married long enough not to remember life before the wedding. This is a good thing. Each day is a step of faith in this amazing life God is allowing me to live.

Name: Shauna Hanus

Age: 46

Occupation: Children’s Pastor

Prescott First Church of the Nazarene

Prescott, AZ

Children: 2

Family: 1 brother

Hobbies: Swimming, Biking and Reading

Currently Reading:  Theology the Basics, Essential Church, Responsible Grace, God Our Teacher

Recently for fun Hondo by Louis L’amour and The Professor by Robert Baily

Fascinated By:  How small the world is. I feel as if I am just a small blip in the world yet find that what I do really impacts others. I am continually surprised when my actions come back to me from unexpected sources. “

Favorite Food:  Chocolate Milk

Born:  Phoenix, AZ

Raised:  Scottsdale, AZ

Education: BS -Environmental Science from ASU, Course of Ministerial Studies from Nazarene Bible College, currently MDiv from Northwest Nazarene University.

Pet Peeve:  People who don’t do what they agree to do.

Dream:  A 25 yard heated pool in the backyard to swim 12 months of the year!

Current Favorite Quote: “In one ear and out the other, don’t you get criss-crossed. I recommend you try a little Mental Floss.”  –Jimmy Buffett