I'm going back to work and not pumping enough milk. Help! Recently, Mommy Medicine received a question from a new mama going back to work and trying to pump enough...
How Do I Make Chores a Part of Our Family Life? Chores are an important part of raising responsible, independent children. It’s good for them the way vegetables are good...
What Are Some Great Spring Break Ideas for My Kids? We adventured from Phoenix to Santa Fe for Spring Break. We are used to the 5-6 hour San Diego drive,...
 Can I Potty Train my Child at 18 Months? Yes, yes, and yes! Those sphincter muscles are fully developed at around 18 months of age, which means your little one...
One way to ensure that your child is potty-trained by age 2 to start young-- very young. Younger than you would really even think is normal or accepted. In many...